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Post Eclipse Magic and Integration

The recent Eclipse on the 22 September 2017 was one of the most watched events of 2017.With so many people traveling to witness the eclipse in its totality or watching it via NASA.

Whether you felt the eclipse personally or just witnessed it in the collective through Politics, Terrorism, violence and for those in Australia discussion about the marriage equality vote has dominated the news.

For many people the eclipse has personally touched them and there is an awareness of not feeling the same anymore that something deep and powerful has shifted within. It’s noticing an area of life that just feels different that feels changed.

The eclipse has brought huge themes around Shadow, the shadow within and seeing the shadow also in the collective. Many who witnessed the eclipse commented at the time of the eclipse there were moon shadows on the ground and people could also see their own shadow reflected on the earth. The shadow within us is illuminated and if we don’t consciously acknowledge it, the shadow will come out in our life as all sorts of drama. Pause look at the shadow, take notice, don’t run because as you expand the shadow you also expand the light within you also.

This eclipse was on the Leo/Aquarius axis representing ego, identity, where you are to shine and where you fit in with groups, your tribe, community and your hopes and wishes. The New Moon Solar Eclipse was in Leo a sign of royalty, leadership and pride and it is asking us to be a sovereign to ourselves to be whole within and not coming from a place of EGO.

This Eclipse has asked us to stand up and shine but also has brought up our fears around wanting to be seen and then not wanting to be seen. Not feeling appreciated vs. not being able to receive appreciation.

Its observing, noticing what has come to the forefront, what has unfolded for you during August 2017.An Eclipse just doesn’t happen and then it’s over the affects can last anywhere from six months to years till you fully integrate all the energy that has been released at this time. Breathe don’t rush it’s time to slowly process the gems that have been revealed during this eclipse.

Take notice of the messages you receive over the coming weeks and months as the personal planets continue to activate the eclipse point. The action planet Mars will aspect this spot on the 2nd/3rd September motivating us to take action and move forward on some of the insights we have received. On the 5th September the communication planet Mercury will station direct on the eclipse point bringing insights and a download of new information.

The light of Sun /EGO and Moon/feelings has been eclipsed and has brought us to a point of breakthroughs and huge shifts in consciousness. There is so much magical energy in this eclipse that we need to tap into before moving forward so below is where the eclipse was for each star sign. If you know your Ascendant sign read that also.


Breakthroughs and awareness through your creative self expression how do you want to express your unique self. It’s all about joy, laughter and finding ways to bring more fun into your life. Lighting up the area of romance, find new love or bring more love into an existing relationship. Listen for messages around following your heart’s desire finding your passion and purpose.


Breakthroughs and awareness can come through your home and family it’s about paying attention to your domestic situation. It’s all about how you nurture and support yourself. This is all about your foundations you need to know who you are make sure your comfortable with yourself before putting yourself out in the public. Building strong ties within your family or releasing ties and bonds that no longer serve you.


Breakthroughs and awareness through your mind, you have new mental powers. It’s like a whole new perception has been downloaded at the time of the eclipse and you now need to share your messages. You have this brand new mind and seeing life with a whole new perspective. Relationship with siblings has likely undergone some changes during this eclipse.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through self worth believing you are worthy and finding love and compassion for yourself. Nurturing and nourishing your talents and gifts and release patterns and roles that no longer serve you. The focus is on resources; keep an eye out for opportunities to make money, ideal to practice manifestation techniques.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through being a sovereign to one self being whole within oneself. It’s about having the confidence to stand up and shine and not be scared to be noticed. Insights around how you want to present yourself to the world including clothing, makeup and hairstyle. It’s around Insight about how you want to be seen and how much you want others to see the real you.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through working behind the scenes away from the spotlight. This can include dream work, meditation, writing a book or doing some sort of retreat from the world. Insights may arise around fears that hold you back and time spent consciously resolving this may be a key to moving forward.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through focusing on our hopes and wishes what it we really desire. We may need to release friendships that hold us back or groups we have associated in the past that are no longer aligned in the same direction. Insight can be gained by finding your tribe and feel connected to the community. This is about finding joy and what pleases you instead of focusing on pleasing others.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through asking you to focus on your ambitions what is it you want to achieve in the outside world. Is it your desire to move up the ladder get that promotion or do you desire to start your own business. It’s about feeling you are following your calling and if not need to let go and say goodbye to that work.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through contemplating the meaning of life. It’s about thinking the big picture view of life. Focus on higher learning, overseas travel and connecting with foreign people or cultures that enrich your view of the world. Follow what uplifts and inspires you.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through new sources of income coming in. It’s a time of transformation and change where you’re more perceptive to the psychic world and can see the dark side in human nature. Look at where you give your power away and how you allow others to use guilt or manipulation to control you or vice versa.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through your relationship with others. This could be a personal relationship with a partner or a business partner where new ventures are started. It’s a time of better communication where insights can be revealed about others that you may have not seen before. Awareness around who are your enemies who you can trust it’s about maintaining clear boundaries and allowing others to show you who they are before you blindly trust them.


Breakthroughs and awareness come through your daily work life and routines. If you’re working at a job you hate look for an escape route. Find your passion make a conscious effort to change your daily patterns to include exercise and a better eating plan to build your strength up to make the changes you need to make around work.

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