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Eris journey for 2020 is to penetrate into the Heart of the Shadow-

Eris a new dwarf planet was first discovered in 2005 way past the orbit of Pluto and what they found was she was much bigger than Pluto, her discovery demoted Pluto bringing a new classification from planet to dwarf planet. Eris entry into the collective has come at a time when the old patriarchy and its rule of power and control over individuals is loosening its grip and highlighting the immense greed, power and corruption that is present in our governments, banking, corporations and institutions and other outside authority figures. Eris discovery is perfect timing as each decade there is a new Planets discovery that brings an awakening in the collective and Eris is the new collective planet for the 21st century n disrupting the old established order that’s out of integrity.

Eris gift is to bring up what no one wants to see, let alone speak about she reveals the discord that lies beneath the surface of situations. The activist is waking up in many of us, asking that we take a stand around what we believe in and around issues that anger us and call us to take action around the old patriarchy and its rules.

Eris the warrior Goddess is exactly meeting up with Pluto the transformer in a tense aspect, they will be dancing all year this will be the first of three times where they will meet exact in 2020 and then twice again in 2021. Pluto was like a wrecking ball in 2019 smashing old structures and patterns so then he could excavate and drill into the earth revealingly the shadows that we have repressed and kept hidden. He was the one alerting us to power and control themes in our lives and ways we need to take back our power and to re- empower ourselves.

Enter Eris now that Pluto has done some of the heavy lifting work she can come in with her laser beam of truth and reveal the next layer of what’s hidden way down in the depths and penetrate into the heart of the shadow. Eris is encouraging us to stand up for what we believe in even if no-one else agrees with us; she is demanding we listen to the truths bubbling up in us and to take action and make a stand. She no longer wants to be denied, rejected or pushed to the side that’s when chaos can enter and turn your world upside down when we don’t listen. Eris wants the heights for you she wants to reveal your true nature and have you operate in the world like this and not to be ashamed to express your truth and be seen for the powerful being you are.

Check your Chart-

Pluto 23 Capricorn square Eris at 23 degrees Aries-January 26

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