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New Moon In Aquarius -January 25

New Moon in Aquarius at 4 degrees-

Sydney-January 25

London-January 24

Colorado-January 24

Here we have the first New Moon of the year falling in the forward thinking, innovative sign of Aquarius ushering in a lighter tone after a heavy Eclipse season. The energy has been intense with the closing of a major 38 year cycle and the beginning of a new 33 yr cycle between the heavy hitting planets Pluto and Saturn. Life as we once knew has changed forever, it doesn’t feel the same anymore we are in a liminal state between our old lives and the one that is being created this can feel exciting on one hand and destabilizing on the other as we are not sure what to expect .

The energy of events that get highlighted at Eclipses take time to unfold and their affects can be felt up to 6 months after the initial Eclipse, so don’t be in a rush for immediate results and expect a whole new life to emerge straight away. There are still things that need attending, those final things that need to be released and cleaned up before stepping into the new.

The modern ruler of this Aquarian Moon Uranus is being triggered with him shaking loose some of the old bonds around what made life feel safe and secure in the old paradigm feels very different now. We may need to secure new ways to create safety and security in this brand new cycle. Ideal to experiment, shake things up a bit, try some new unconventional ways of doing and reacting to people and situations.

New insights are flooding in now, feel into the symbol of Aquarius the water bearer pouring in new profound wisdom, highlighting fresh ways of doing things that you have never considered before. There is healing available with Chiron also in the mix, imagine this healing elixir pouring through all your cells as you open your mind to greater heights, seeing yourself in a new way now that you have let go some of the past.

There is a real truth element present at this New Moon with Eris the warrior Goddess exactly meeting up with Pluto the transformer in a tense aspect. They will be dancing all year this will be the first of three times where they will meet in 2020 and then twice in 2021. In 2019 Pluto was the wrecking ball he was the excavator drilling into the earth revealing all the shadows that we have repressed and kept hidden. He was the one alerting us to power and control themes in our lives and ways we need to take back our power and to re- empower ourselves.

Enter Eris now that Pluto has done all the heavy work she can come in with her laser beam of truth and dig into the next layer what’s way down in the depths and penetrate into the heart of the matter. Eris is encouraging us to stand up for what we believe in even if no-one else agrees with us; she is demanding we listen to the truths bubbling up in us and to take action on them. She no longer wants to be denied, rejected or pushed to the side that’s when chaos can enter and turn your world upside down when we don’t listen. Eris wants the heights for you she wants to reveal your true nature and have you operate in the world like this and not to be ashamed to express your truth and be seen for the powerful being you are.

Check your Chart-

Sun/Moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius square Uranus at 2 degrees Taurus and sextiles Chiron at 2 degrees Aries

Pluto 23 Capricorn square Eris at 23 degrees Aries

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