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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer-January 10/11

We began 2020 in a vortex of crazy, there has been so much instability since December 25/26 Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. We have seen this wildly reflected in the collective from mammoth bush fires in Australia, the revolts continuing in Hong Kong, Trump being Trump and acting as a God making crazy decisions without any other sane consultation and on a lighter note the changes being made in the Royal family with Harry and Meghan stepping away from royal duties taking the heat off Andrew, just to name a few world events.

For us personally the tunnel between Christmas and now has felt wobbly with a sense that life doesn’t feel real like we are in limbo, caught in the shadowy realms of not seeing things clearly. Whatever way you look at this Eclipse, spells ENDINGS the death of the old order the letting go and releasing of old outdated patterns and structures that are no longer in our highest. Some parts of our lives no longer hold any juice; these areas have been irrevocably changed forever. The old needed to collapse and be dismantled creating that ground zero in order for us to begin to rebuild our lives from the foundation up and start again with Pluto conjunct Saturn.

With the light of the Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer January 10/11 we can gain so much perspective by standing back and observing all that is happening collectively and what is being churned within us more from an observers point of view without trying to react. Take the time to nurture your soul to find supports and ways to comfort yourself and others in these harsh times whilst trying to remain balanced especially with the huge weight on the opposite side of this Cancer Full Moon.

There has been a huge emphasis on the sign Capricorn with so much planetary energy occurring in 2019 and continuing into 2020.We have seven points of energy currently in this sign including the South node, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto.

Eclipses are magical in nature in that you just never know what you might get but just need to trust that the doors closing, the people, events and situations exiting your life has been for a purpose .The room that gets created now will lead you to new opportunities and new doors opening.

Fresh new insights, dawning’s can occur under this Eclipse with Mercury in the ear of the Sun, pay attention to any ideas, thoughts and conversations you have at this time as a lot can get revealed, not so much a time to take action but more a time a listen and contemplate.

Climate change has been a strong focus worldwide bringing greater awareness, mass protests and discussion publicly demanding action and change from our world leaders. Ceres an aspect of Great Mother, agriculture and the seasons is featured strongly in this line up she is calling us to protect Mother Nature, the land, the animals, her people and to listen to her remedies how we can implement changes to the food we consume and how we grow our crops and the use of our precious lands and waterways.

Ceres is demanding permanent and enduring changes to be made around how we take care of Mother Earth and how we can nurture and take care of humanity as a whole with her closely aspecting Saturn and Pluto she is seeking accountability and integrity asking for us to become more vocal and to take action and demand the same from our leaders around implementing these changes.

Uranus the planet of change and awakening is strong as he stations direct roughly around this Eclipse highlighting the choices made over the coming 6 months will have unexpected and surprising outcomes in moving forward around creating new ways of finding safety and security in ones life.

Eris the Goddess of chaos and discord is also stationing direct making her extra potent around instigating the truth in her highest form as the activist, the warrior within us all that’s being called to take action around speaking our truth no matter how uncomfortable this makes us or other people feel. There is a lot of passion and fire in expressing these views, taking a stand and confronting those in power and saying this is not good enough and making them confront their own shadows and to be made accountable for the decisions they are making and to become the new leaders the world desperately needs.

Relationships are being spotlighted with Juno Goddess of marriage, commitment and relating with others getting some pressure under this Full Moon. She is nudging us, checking in with us if these relationships are truly serving us, are they equal or are you giving your power and control away to another. Feel into any unhealthy parts of friendships, partnerships that needs to be let go of so as to make room for the new .Juno yearns for the full mystic union where she feels emotionally, sexually and psychologically filled, she wants depth in the commitment.

Most important as the Eclipse unfolds is to be so gentle with self and others as there is enormous amounts of grief being felt personally and collectively at this time. Ask for comfort and support from loved ones, to be held if that’s what’s needed personally and if you can offer that time, support and care to another if you are able to at this time also. Or if you feel called to donate, volunteer to some cause, charity that sings to you.

Check your Chart-

Full Moon Eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer –January/11

Saturn conjunct Pluto at 22 degrees of Capricorn –January 12/13

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