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Uranus will enter the zodiac sign of Taurus May 16 –November 6, for the first time since 1934. Uranus spends roughly 7 years in each sign and we get the first taste in 2018 of what this significant change will mean before it retrogrades back into Aries for one last hurrah November 7. Uranus will again enter Taurus after its retrograde period February 2019 –April 2026.

Uranus is electric and represents revolution, independence, change, innovation and loves to challenge the status quo. This is quite a contrast from the solid stable fixed sign of Taurus who values comfort and security and can be quite fixed in its views and doesn’t particularly like change.

Put these two together this can challenge and instigate changes around safety and security, what we value and find important. This combination also highlights personal finances as well as joint monies tied with others and also includes the global financial market and real estate.

Taurus represents the land so we might see changes around farming and produce what is grown and how we export. How we globally take care of Mother Earth, recycling of waste and the building of Eco homes may come more into focus. Highlighting resources that are being mined from the earth gas, coal, fuel and precious gems and how long this can be sustained. Uranus is electric and magnifying so there may be an increase in earthquake activity and extreme weather patterns.

With the current royal commission into banking and with its many findings has brought about mistrust and imbalance of power and has highlighted affordable housing for all. With the slump in employment, security comes into sharp focus. What people once found secure will change and a new way of seeking security may be needed. Some may begin to look at working less and living more economically and in turn having better health and better quality of life or vice versa increase in working hours to gain more financial security. There may be new and better ways of getting services perhaps bartering and exchange of goods and services for a more economical and fairer way of living.

Uranus Tracks- Uranus enters Taurus May 16 –November 6 Uranus retrogrades-November 7 –January 5 Uranus direct in Aries January 6 Uranus again enters Taurus 14th February 2019 –25th April 2026

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