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Become your own Detective-Track your personal Mercury retrograde cycle

Mercury Retrograde is a common occurrence usually happening three to four times per year. We are hearing more about Mercury retrogrades in mainstream media ranging from reports of communication snafus, travel plans going awry and those dreaded technological obstacles.

But what does Mercury retrograde personally mean for you, this is where it gets really interesting. We can learn a lot about our mind, its thoughts, its ideas, its obsessive thinking just by paying attention to what it’s focused on just before the Mercury retrograde period known as the Pre shadow.

We don’t necessary need to know the house area of your natal chart that highlights where this concentration of energy roughly will be for you usually averaging about six weeks in total. But if you do know your natal chart you are looking for the house areas of Cancer and Leo.

It’s not just the dates that Mercury is retrograde that we can be affected it’s about understanding what events have occurred in the Pre shadow of Mercury retrograde meaning the degrees Mercury will transit during the retrograde cycle.

Mercury will be retrograde from July 8 –August 1 starting in the zodiac sign of Leo at four degrees and will track back to Cancer at twenty three degrees.

Now to the tracking-

  • First we need to look at the Pre-shadow period which occurred when Mercury first entered 23 degrees of Cancer- 29 degrees of Cancer. This will occur between the dates June 20- June 27.

  • Pay attention to your ideas, thoughts, conversations and what projects you are spending your mental energy on daily, as it’s in Cancer your thoughts could be centered on home , family and towards emotions and feelings( June 20 –June 27.)

  • Mercury then enters the pre shadow zone but now in Leo from June 27 – July 8 from 0 degrees Leo up to 4 degrees Leo before it stations to go retrograde at four degrees Leo.

  • The mental vibe is changing now from a more introverted, sensitive and feeling period to a more extroverted lively expressive, creative tone. Again jot down what your mental energy is honed in on June 27 – July 8.

  • Now you have the mental notes from your daily activities where your mind has been active. This gives you the key to areas you will be going over mentally in the retrograde period. Mercury retrograde periods are ideal for slowing down and doing all the RE words from Reviewing, Reflecting, Renegotiating, and Redoing and bringing second chances to review information, contracts and negotiations during Mercury Retrograde July 8 –August 1.

  • Mercury will station to go direct at 23 degrees of Cancer August 1 and will cover the Mercury Post shadow period until Mercury reaches 4 degrees of Leo on August 15. This final third phase of the cycle is known as the clean up where you get the opportunity to finalize agreements, resolution and finally get to move forward on bigger ideas and projects.


Pre-Shadow-Where you get the story, idea, plan, the thoughts

Mercury retrograde-Revise, Review, Redo, Renegotiate

Post Shadow- The conclusion, outcome, moving forward

  • Mercury retrograde in Cancer-

Pre shadow- June 20 – June 27

Mercury retrograde-July- 19 August 2

Post Shadow-August 2 – August 15

  • Mercury retrograde in Leo-

Pre shadow- June 27 – July 8

Mercury retrograde-July 8 – July 19

Post Shadow-August 12 – August 15

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