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New Moon In Libra Horoscopes-Deep Healing within Relationships

Sydney-September 29 at 4.26am

London-September 28 at 7.26pm

Colorado -September 28 at 12.26pm

This is a deeply Healing New Moon with the beautiful asteroid Goddess Isis’ sitting exactly on this Moon. Isis’ energy vibrates at a very frequency and because she works at the level of the Soul this may feel very subtle and we may not be able to translate the healing that is taking place now.

Medicine man Chiron is also very strong at this New Moon alerting us to any personal wounding within our relationships and our personal lives that need our attention.

The ruler of this New Moon Venus gets a boost as she harmoniously connects to Jupiter, expanding the good and positive themes of working and sharing and collaborating with others.

This is a great new Moon to open the door to fresh insights and new beginnings in relationships.

This could be any one-on-one relationship in your life from your lover, soul mate, business partner, parents, children, colleagues, friendships and not forgetting the most important relationship of all is the one to yourself.

The New Moon in Libra’s theme is all about fairness, balance and harmony and most importantly highlights justice and equality for all.

♈ ARIES ~ Deep Healing around love, marriage and partnerships of all kinds, it’s important to compromise allowing both sides to be heard. It’s a beneficial moon for fresh new beginnings and for finding that middle road of equality and fairness then you can plant the seeds of change you would like to see in this area. ♉ TAURUS ~ Deep Healing can occur around ongoing health issues, unhealthy work conditions, bringing some balance and harmony to your daily routines then you can plant the seeds of change of change you would like to see in this area ♊ GEMINI ~ Deep Healing can occur with your children, your own inner child, romantic partners and healing wounds around sexuality. It’s important to instigate some joy, pleasure and bring a good dose of fun, play and creative expression into your life then you can plant the seeds of change you would like to create in this area.

♋ CANCER ~ Deep Healing can occur around feeling like you belong and are valued in your tribe, home and family. This can highlight childhood wounding, parental/family wounding and bringing healing to this area so you can start afresh and plant the seeds of change you would like to create in this area.

♌ LEO ~ Deep Healing can occur around self expression, communicating, listening and talking. It’s important to be honest and speak your truth with others and may even see you take up some new learning. Siblings are highlighted here can see fresh new beginnings or healing any conflict then you can plant the seeds of change you would like to create in this area.

♍ VIRGO ~ Deep Healing can occur around self worth, self esteem really believing in your worth and value and the assets you have to offer the world. Your own personal finances are in the spotlight great chance to start over, set a budget and clear some debt and make some improvements in this area to plant the seeds of change you would like to create in this area.

♎ LIBRA ~ ⠀ Deep Healing can occur around self Image, self development making personal improvements in this area .This can come from updating your wardrobe ,making changes to your personal appearance. Start of a whole new 12 month moon cycle, this is a fresh new beginning to plant the seeds of change you would like to see in this area.

⠀⠀ ♏ SCORPIO ~ Deep Healing can occur around your Spiritual life, things that you have hidden or suppressed. This can be a quiet period where you need time to rest, meditate and contemplate life. Dream work may be an important healing tool now helping you to really unearth any subconscious patterns that are holding you back and restricting your freedom then you can plant the seeds of change you would like to see in this area

♐ SAGITTARIUS ~ Deep Healing can occur around friendships, groups and organisations you’re involved with, great to start new projects and meeting new people. This New Moon may assist to clarify your hopes and wishes healing any doubts you can’t achieve your dreams by planting the seeds of change you would like to see in this area

♑ CAPRICORN ~ Deep Healing can occur around your purpose, career and reputation and moving ahead professionally. It’s important to stay committed and trust that you can achieve your ambitions and reach the top in your chosen field by planting the seeds of change you would like to see in this area

♒ AQUARIUS ~ Deep Healing can occur around some of your deeply held beliefs, faith and philosophies. This is a great period for adventure, travel and study by broadening your horizons and taking more of the big picture view can you then plant the seeds of change you would like to see in this area

♓ PISCES ~ Deep Healing can occur around joint partnerships either personal or business perhaps seeking some financial guidance. This is the house of sexual intimacy and the merging of finances and assets. This may be ideal to ignite some passion and experimentation into the bedroom then you can plant the seeds of change you would like to see in this area.

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