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Saturn Conjunct the South Node-A release valve has been opened

As we sit in the Balsamic Moon preparing to give birth to the New Moon, the timing couldn't be more perfect for a release valve to be opened bringing the final connection of Saturn conjunct the South Node.

Saturn transits are all about building but this year has been different with him running smack bang into the South Node three times the first time was April 30,July 4 and the final passing will be September 28 in the Southern Hemisphere and tomorrow everywhere else.

This combination has brought a huge spiritual release point of what no longer serves us, what is no longer healthy this can be from relationships, career, old entrenched patterns, fears, stored emotions, family patterning and the purging and releasing of all old karmic imprints.

The energy here is all about letting go of old outdated, outworn structures and paradigms from ones life. This can feel very heavy as parts of your life are being dismantled and deconstructed from your life creating a ground zero which gives a blank canvas to begin the rebuild over the coming months.

Remembering that not everything has had to be destroyed there are probably certain parts of your life that are still functional and may just need some minor renovations. Trust that only what is no longer for your highest good will be released and the other strong foundations can now be worked and improved upon.

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