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Self Care during Eclipse season- December 26, 2019/January 11,2020

We are currently in the Eclipse Vortex which can sometimes feel intense and volatile, look to your Sun or Rising sign to find ways to support yourself through these current Eclipses-Horoscopes Below-

  • Redefine what home and family mean to you with the North node in Cancer.

  • Find your soul group this can be actual family members or people that just feel like they’re your family, your soul tribe.

  • Emotional healing can come through nurturing your inner child.

  • Journal, listen to your inner feelings as they arise don’t ignore them as they have a message for you.

  • Connect to the Divine Feminine that is emerging within us and collectively.

♈ ARIES ~ Find peace and solace in your home and family environment a place where you can feel safe and nurtured as you unwind and take some down time with your Career taking up so much of your time and devotion.

♉ TAURUS ~ Nurture and take care of yourself whilst you integrate new knowledge and learning’s into your everyday life. Uplift yourself with nurturing conversations, music, books self talk and any short courses. Whilst travelling this year listen to inspirational podcast, connect with the divine feminine energy, meditation, ritual or goddess work.

♊ GEMINI ~ To remain confident and feel self assured by doing the work you love, earning money by doing something you love and that doesn’t feel like work. By feeling financially secure can make you feel confident, if lacking in this area challenge childhood beliefs around money.

♋ CANCER ~ ⠀Important for you to focus on yourself, make time to nurture and take care of your own needs or ask others for some of those needs to be met in a partnerships or friendships. Cancers are emotional beings and they give so much of their time and attention on home and family they can easily neglect themselves. The Eclipses will mark important periods to set intentions around your desires what you desire for yourself, do you need a makeover; a new wardrobe; new haircut or want to release weight now’s the time to focus on you Cancer

♌ LEO ~ Creating solitude some down time to rest and renew by escaping the grid and working spiritually or behind the scenes on projects that need your time and devotion. Visiting Ashrams, temples, churches and the like can bring spiritual sustenance.

♍ VIRGO ~ ⠀ To seek out friendships, groups, organisations, online groups to offer emotional support and nurturance. This could see you attend a circle where you connect with the Divine feminine through goddess and ritual work can be very nourishing and supportive.

⠀♎ LIBRA ~ ⠀ Your Career can feel freeing and liberating offering emotional support with the work you are doing in the world and through emotional support you receive from colleagues and other superiors and peers.

♏ SCORPIO ~ Take mental breaks from your busy schedule and seek out some exciting travel and adventure. Plan ahead make a commitment for that desired overseas trip you have always wanted to explore. Attend some higher learning, metaphysical or religious study that can broaden your mind. So much emotional support can come from opening your mind to new ideas and possibilities through education, foreign lands and cultures⠀ ⠀⠀ ♐ SAGITTARIUS ~ ⠀⠀ Financial freedom is what could offer you emotional support and nurturance at this time; you may look at ways to reduce debt this may see you rolling over debts into one account, selling off some assets or investments. You may feel going into business with someone can offer emotional support and take pressure off you. Or alternatively can you see you drawn to delve into the psychic underbelly and explore all those taboo topics psychic, medium ship, tarot etc.

♑ CAPRICORN ~ ⠀ A lot of emotional support and nurturance can come from a partner they can provide a lot of comfort and support and stop you from being too hard on yourself. If single this may see you craving a relationship the need to feel loved and supported is of high importance during these next couple of years .It doesn’t just have to be romantic partners it can be receiving emotional support from any person that you spend one on one time regularly together this could be a friend you talk to regularly or a colleague or study buddy you see frequently.

⠀♒ AQUARIUS ~ ⠀ Emotional support and nurturance can come by attending to health and wellbeing. Fuel yourself with a nutritional diet, energising food and supplements, exercise. Seek out medical assistance if needed, counselling or life coaching. It’s about balancing your daily working life with rest and time out, meditating would be highly beneficial understanding the mind body connection. You also may receive a lot of nurturance from your work colleagues and health professionals you come into with.

♓ PISCES ~ ⠀ Children and younger people with fresh ideas and views can offer you a lot of emotional support and nurturance and help you connect with your own inner child. Really make the time to have fun ,play, dance and be creative .This may see you get caught up in a passion or a hobby that offers joy but you may be able to make a little bit of money out.

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